Sledování krystalizace slévárenských slitin
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Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá sledováním krystalizace slévárenských slitin. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a experimentální část. Teoretická obsahuje informace nejen o krystalizaci kovů a jejich slitin, ale i o možnostech jejího ovlivňování. Dále je zaměřena na charakteristiku hliníku a jeho slitin - výrobu, použití, typy slévárenských slitin, možnosti tepelného zpracování. V experimentální části byla metalograficky pozorována struktura odlitků ze slitiny AlSi12 a hodnocena pomocí kritéria DAS. Dále bylo u odlitků provedeno měření tvrdosti zkouškou dle Brinella.
The bachelor thesis focuses on observation of crystallisation of foundry alloys. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part contains information about crystallization of metals and their alloys and it also outlines the possibilities of its influencing. The theoretical part also focuses on the characteristics of aluminium and its alloys - its production, use, types of alloys and possibilities of heat treatment. The experimental part deals with the metallographic observation of the structure of casts made from the alloy AlSi12. The DAS criterion was used for its evaluation. The casts underwent the Brinell hardness test.
The bachelor thesis focuses on observation of crystallisation of foundry alloys. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part contains information about crystallization of metals and their alloys and it also outlines the possibilities of its influencing. The theoretical part also focuses on the characteristics of aluminium and its alloys - its production, use, types of alloys and possibilities of heat treatment. The experimental part deals with the metallographic observation of the structure of casts made from the alloy AlSi12. The DAS criterion was used for its evaluation. The casts underwent the Brinell hardness test.
krystalizace, hliník a jeho slitiny, odlitek, metalografické pozorování, zkouška tvrdosti, crystallization, aluminium and its alloys, cast, metallographic observation, hardness test