Nežádoucí události v ošetřovatelské praxi
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá nežádoucími událostmi a jejich hlášení v praxi. Práce se rozděluje na část teoretickou a výzkumnou. Teoretická část popisuje problematiku nežádoucích událostí a jejich systémů hlášení. Dále se zaměřuje na nejčastěji vzniklé nežádoucí události a daná preventivní opatření. Výzkumná část byla prováděna kvalitativní metodou. Pro výzkumné šetření byl použitý polostrukturovaný rozhovor. Respondenty byly všeobecné sestry pracující ve směnném provozu. Zabývá se chybami, ke kterým dochází v rámci vzniku nežádoucích událostí a v průběhu procesu jejich hlášení.
The bachelor thesis ocupies with adverse incidents and their reporting in practice. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and research part. The theoretical part describes the issue of adverse incidents and their reporting systems. It also focuses on the most frequently occurring adverse incidents and their preventive measures. The research part was performed by a qualitative method. A semi-structured interview was used for the research. Respondents were general nurses working in shifts. It deals with errors that occur during the occurrence of adverse incidents and during the reporting process.
The bachelor thesis ocupies with adverse incidents and their reporting in practice. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and research part. The theoretical part describes the issue of adverse incidents and their reporting systems. It also focuses on the most frequently occurring adverse incidents and their preventive measures. The research part was performed by a qualitative method. A semi-structured interview was used for the research. Respondents were general nurses working in shifts. It deals with errors that occur during the occurrence of adverse incidents and during the reporting process.
nežádoucí událost, pacient, kvalita, lidský faktor, systémový faktor, adverse incident, patient, quality, human factor, systemic factor