Úloha sestry při endoskopii, extrakorporální litotrypsi a perkutánních výkonech
Title Alternative:Nurses role in endoscopy, extracorporal lithotrity and percutaneous operations
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce se zabývala problematikou urolitiázy. Jejím cílem bylo zjistit, jaká je úspěšnost endoskopických výkonů v léčbě urolitiázy. Práci tvořily dvě stěžejní oblasti. Jednalo se o teoretickou část, která pomocí zpracování a prezentace odborných zdrojů popisovala a objasňovala základní terminologii z oblasti urologie, endoskopie a metod léčby v odstranění konkrementů. Praktická část zjišťovala pomocí dotazníku daného pacientům urologického oddělení v nemocnici Most jejich anamnézu, symptomy a úspěšnost zvolené terapie. Doplňkovým materiálem je dokumentace pacientů hospitalizovaných na témže oddělení v určitém časovém úseku, kdy se sledoval počet pacientů s renální kolikou, recidivy a zvolená terapie. Další metodou výzkumu byla anketa- slovní vyjádření analogové škály bolesti pacientů po litotrypsi. Výsledky ukazovaly na úspěšnost endoskopických metod v této problematice.
This Bachelor work was concerned with the urolithiasis problems. The goal was to learn the urgency of the endoscopy echievements in urolithiasis treatment. The work was made up of two main parts. The theoretical one descibed and cleared up the basic terminology of urinology, endoscopy and medical treatment of concretion removing with the help of technical recourses processing and presentation. The practical part was based on the questionairre given to the patients of the depatment of urinology. It located their anamneses, symptoms and also the success in the matter of the elected therapy.As accompanying material there is the evidence of inpatients hospitalized in the identical department in a certain spell ? the number of inpatients with renal colic, reccurrence and elected therapy were observed. As the next research method there was an inquiry ? the verbal expression of the analogue ache scale of inpatients till lithotrity. The results schowed the success in the matter of endoscopy methods of this problems.
This Bachelor work was concerned with the urolithiasis problems. The goal was to learn the urgency of the endoscopy echievements in urolithiasis treatment. The work was made up of two main parts. The theoretical one descibed and cleared up the basic terminology of urinology, endoscopy and medical treatment of concretion removing with the help of technical recourses processing and presentation. The practical part was based on the questionairre given to the patients of the depatment of urinology. It located their anamneses, symptoms and also the success in the matter of the elected therapy.As accompanying material there is the evidence of inpatients hospitalized in the identical department in a certain spell ? the number of inpatients with renal colic, reccurrence and elected therapy were observed. As the next research method there was an inquiry ? the verbal expression of the analogue ache scale of inpatients till lithotrity. The results schowed the success in the matter of endoscopy methods of this problems.
katedra: UZS; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 68
problematika, urolitiáza, litotrypse, dotazník, metody léčby, problems, urolithiasis, lithotriptor, questionnaire, medical methods