Kvalita ošetřovatelské péče z pohledu klienta/pacienta
Title Alternative:The quality of nursing care from the perspective of the client/patient
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na sledování kvality ošetřovatelské péče. V teoretické části jsou na základě prostudované literatury shrnuty a prezentovány základní teoretické poznatky týkající se kvality ošetřovatelské péče z pohledu klienta/pacienta. Anonymní dotazníkovou metodou bylo zjištěno, že kvalita ošetřovatelské péče je na kardiologickém oddělení v Ústřední vojenské nemocnici Praha na velmi vysoké úrovni. Analýzou a komparací výsledků průzkumu, který se realizoval v roce 2010 bylo zjištěno, že je stále stoupající trend úrovně kvality ošetřovatelské péče.
The thesis is focused on monitoring the quality of nursing care. The theoretical part is based on review of the literature is summarized and presented the basic theoretical knowledge regarding the quality of nursing care from the perspective of the client / patient. An anonymous questionnaire method was found that the quality of nursing care in the cardiology department of the Central Military Hospital in Prague on a very high level. Comparing and analyzing the results of a survey that was conducted in 2010 found that the trend is still rising level of quality of nursing care.
The thesis is focused on monitoring the quality of nursing care. The theoretical part is based on review of the literature is summarized and presented the basic theoretical knowledge regarding the quality of nursing care from the perspective of the client / patient. An anonymous questionnaire method was found that the quality of nursing care in the cardiology department of the Central Military Hospital in Prague on a very high level. Comparing and analyzing the results of a survey that was conducted in 2010 found that the trend is still rising level of quality of nursing care.
katedra: UZS; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 78 s. (11 046)
kvalita ošetřovatelské péče, standard ošetřovatelské péče, audit, akreditace, edukace, the quality of nursing care, nursing care standards, audit, accreditation, education