Edukace pacientů s onemocněním hyperplazie prostaty
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Benigní hyperplazie prostaty neboli zvětšení prostaty je nejčastějším nezhoubným novotvarem postihující muže po šedesátém roku života. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do dvou častí. Teoretická část popisuje benigní hyperplazii prostaty etiologii, symptomatologii, diagnostiku, komplikace a léčbu. Dále se teoretická část práce zabývá edukační činností. Výzkumná část je realizována kvantitativní metodou výzkumu pomocí dotazníku ve vybraných urologických ambulancích v Liberci. Výzkumná část se zabývá informovaností pacientů o benigní hyperplazii prostaty. Dále se zabývá informovaností pacientů o zásadách při vyprazdňování moči, a zda benigní hyperplazie prostaty omezuje pacienty ve společenském životě.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) also called prostate enlargement is the most common non-malignant tumor occuring in men after the age of sixty. The bachelor thesis has two parts. The theoretic one describes the ethiology, symptomatology, diagnostics, complications and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. This part also deals with the education activities. The other part of this bachelor thesis was put in practice via quantitative method based questionaries. Patients in chosen urological ambulances in Liberec were asked to fill these questionaries. This research part of the bachelor thesis also focuses on the level of awareness of BHP among the patients. It also deals with the level of awareness of the principles of urine derivation and deals with an opinion on limits in social life caused by BHP.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) also called prostate enlargement is the most common non-malignant tumor occuring in men after the age of sixty. The bachelor thesis has two parts. The theoretic one describes the ethiology, symptomatology, diagnostics, complications and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. This part also deals with the education activities. The other part of this bachelor thesis was put in practice via quantitative method based questionaries. Patients in chosen urological ambulances in Liberec were asked to fill these questionaries. This research part of the bachelor thesis also focuses on the level of awareness of BHP among the patients. It also deals with the level of awareness of the principles of urine derivation and deals with an opinion on limits in social life caused by BHP.
edukace, ošetřovatelství, pacient, prostata, všeobecná sestra, educaton, nursing, patient, prostate, general nurse