Analýza nanomateriálů a jejich interakce s bakteriálními populacemi
Title Alternative:Analysis of nanomaterials and their interaction with bacterial populations
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Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na nalezení vhodných metodik k inhibici buněk za využití aplikace nanočástic na povrchy, kde je nutné zachovat vysoce sterilní prostředí. Cílem této práce je prověření hypotéz vlivu nanočástic oxidu titaničitého na bakteriální populace E.Coli. Rešerše byla věnována odborným článkům, které se zabývaly tématy fotokatalýza oxidu titaničitého. V této dané práci se zkoumal nanokompozit TiO2/SiO2, jenž byl nanesen metodou Dip coating na obyčejné sklíčko. Fotoaktivní film nebo obyčejné sklíčko byly ověřovány v situacích SVĚTLO (denní světlo) a TMA. Pro hodnocení interakce TiO2 povrchů a E.Coli byla použita norma ISO 17094, která byla zhodnocena dle statistické metody ANOVA. Mimo jiné, testovala se respirační aktivita a životaschopnost (Live/dead) bakteriální populace E.Coli, ačkoliv oxid titaničitý v žádných studiích nebyl těmito experimenty zkoumán. V Kapitole výsledky/diskuze bylo objasněno, aby fotokatalyzátor TiO2 pracoval antibakteriálně, musí být přítomno UV záření.
This bachelor thesis is focused on finding appropriate methodologies to inhibit cells by applying nanoparticles on surfaces where it is necessary to maintain a highly sterile environment. The aim of this work is to examine hypotheses concerning the impact of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide on bacterial populations E.Coli. The research followed scientific articles focused on titanium dioxide photocatalysis topics. This work studied the nanocomposite TiO2/SiO2 mounted on a plain slide using Dip coating method. The photoactive film and the plain slide were tested in LIGHT (daylight) and DARKNESS situations. To evaluate the interaction of TiO2 surfaces and E.Coli, a standard ISO norm 17094 was used. This has been assessed based on ANOVA statistical method. Furthermore, the respiratory aktivity together with the viability (Live/Dead) of the bacterial populations of E.Coli were tested, although the titanium dioxide was not analyzed in any of these experiments. In chapter Results/discussion, it was clarified that in order for the photocatalyst TiO2 to work antibacterially, there must be a UV radiation present.
This bachelor thesis is focused on finding appropriate methodologies to inhibit cells by applying nanoparticles on surfaces where it is necessary to maintain a highly sterile environment. The aim of this work is to examine hypotheses concerning the impact of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide on bacterial populations E.Coli. The research followed scientific articles focused on titanium dioxide photocatalysis topics. This work studied the nanocomposite TiO2/SiO2 mounted on a plain slide using Dip coating method. The photoactive film and the plain slide were tested in LIGHT (daylight) and DARKNESS situations. To evaluate the interaction of TiO2 surfaces and E.Coli, a standard ISO norm 17094 was used. This has been assessed based on ANOVA statistical method. Furthermore, the respiratory aktivity together with the viability (Live/Dead) of the bacterial populations of E.Coli were tested, although the titanium dioxide was not analyzed in any of these experiments. In chapter Results/discussion, it was clarified that in order for the photocatalyst TiO2 to work antibacterially, there must be a UV radiation present.
59 stran :barevné ilustrace, tabulky, grafy +1 CD-ROM
nanomaterials, analysis, photocatalysis, nanomateriály, analýza, fotokatalýza