Chování kapalin v kontaktu s textilními útvary
Title Alternative:Behaviour liquids in contact with textile shapes
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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá chováním kapalin v kontaktu s textilními útvary. Práce obsahuje teoretickou část ve které jsou popsány jevy související s chováním kapalin v kontaktu s textilními útvary, především smáčení a vzlínání. V praktické části je proveden experiment s dopadem kapky na textilní vrstvu a jsou zkoumány jevy s tímto dopadem bezprostředně související. Dále je vypracována metodika pro vzlínání na nanovlákenných vrstvách.
This graduation theses is deal with behaviour liquids in contact with textile shapes. Work includes theoretic part in that are described phenomena associated with behaviour liquids in contact with textile shapes, first of all wetting and capillary action. In practical part is performed experiment with fall drops on the textile layer and are corpused phenomena to that effect fall drop immediately related. Further is draw up philosophy for capillary sction on nanofibrous thicknesses.
This graduation theses is deal with behaviour liquids in contact with textile shapes. Work includes theoretic part in that are described phenomena associated with behaviour liquids in contact with textile shapes, first of all wetting and capillary action. In practical part is performed experiment with fall drops on the textile layer and are corpused phenomena to that effect fall drop immediately related. Further is draw up philosophy for capillary sction on nanofibrous thicknesses.