Zkušenosti všeobecných sester s Evidence Based Nursing
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou Evidence Based Nursing z pohledu všeobecných sester pracujících ve směnném provozu. Všeobecná sestra se ve své praxi setkává s množstvím intervencí, které lze uskutečňovat podle nejnovějších výsledků výzkumů Evidence Based Nursing. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na charakteristiku a význam Evidence Based Nursing a popisuje jeho jednotlivé fáze. Výzkumná část analyzuje výsledky získané z nestandardizovaných polostrukturovaných rozhovorů. Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit, jakým způsobem získávají všobecné sestry nejnovější vědecké poznatky, jaké mají zkušenosti s Evidence Based Nursing a zda je pro všeobecné sestry přínosné. Výstupem bakalářské práce je článek připravený k publikaci v odborném periodiku.
The bachelor thesis describes problematics of Evidence Based Nursing from the perspective of nurses working in shiftwork. Nurse meets a lot of interventions in her practice, which she can realize according to latest research results of Evidence Based Nursing. The theoretical part is focused on characteristics and meaning of Evidence Based Nursing with a description of individual phases. The research part analyzing results gained from unstandardized semistructured interviews. Target of the research was about nurses getting their latest research knowledge and experince they have with Evidence Based Nursing and if it has any benefits for them. The output of this bachelor thesis is an article prepared for a professional publications.
The bachelor thesis describes problematics of Evidence Based Nursing from the perspective of nurses working in shiftwork. Nurse meets a lot of interventions in her practice, which she can realize according to latest research results of Evidence Based Nursing. The theoretical part is focused on characteristics and meaning of Evidence Based Nursing with a description of individual phases. The research part analyzing results gained from unstandardized semistructured interviews. Target of the research was about nurses getting their latest research knowledge and experince they have with Evidence Based Nursing and if it has any benefits for them. The output of this bachelor thesis is an article prepared for a professional publications.
Evidence Based Nursing, ošetřovatelská praxe, ošetřovatelství, všeobecná sestra, výzkum v ošetřovatelství, Evidence Based Nursing, nursing practice, nursing, nurse, nursing research