Dynamický model vozidla Formula Student
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá sestavením dynamického modelu vozu Formula
Student. Cílem této práce je popsat jednotlivé části podvozku a jejich
vliv na chování vozu. Dále je na základě těchto poznatků sestaven
dynamický model vozidla v MSC.Adams Car. Dále je v práci proveden
výběr vhodných manévrů za účelem určení maximálního zatížení vozu.
Simulované výsledky jsou v práci porovnány s měřením při testování
vozu. V poslední části této práce je stručně představeno možné využití
modelu při návrhu nového vozu.
The bachelor thesis deals with the construction of a dynamic model of the Formula Student car. The aim of this thesis is to describe the different parts of the suspension and their influence on the behaviour of the car. Furthermore, based on this knowledge, a dynamic model of the vehicle is built in MSC.Adams Car. Next, the selection of appropriate manoeuvres in order to determine the maximum load on the car is performed in this thesis. The simulated results are compared in the thesis with the measurements during the testing of the car. In the last part of this thesis, the possible use of the model in the design of a new car is briefly presented.
The bachelor thesis deals with the construction of a dynamic model of the Formula Student car. The aim of this thesis is to describe the different parts of the suspension and their influence on the behaviour of the car. Furthermore, based on this knowledge, a dynamic model of the vehicle is built in MSC.Adams Car. Next, the selection of appropriate manoeuvres in order to determine the maximum load on the car is performed in this thesis. The simulated results are compared in the thesis with the measurements during the testing of the car. In the last part of this thesis, the possible use of the model in the design of a new car is briefly presented.
Formula Student, Dynamika podvozku, simulace, parametry
simulace, validace simulace, MSC.Adams.Car