Devalvace pacienta v nemocnici
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Výstupem bakalářské práce je článek v odborném periodiku na téma devalvace pacienta v nemocnici. Tato bakalářská práce je rozdělena na dvě části - na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis interpersonálních vztahů mezi pacientem a zdravotnickým pracovníkem a jejich vliv na zdravotní stav pacienta. Praktická část je zaměřena na vnímání dané problematiky pacientem v nemocničním prostředí Krajské nemocnice Liberec, a. s. v Centru následné péče a na chirurgickém a interním lůžkovém oddělení. Vnímání situace/problému je u pacientů zjišťováno dotazníkovým šetřením. Cíle práce jsou zaměřeny na zjištění otázky devalvace pacienta. Zkoumají, ze strany kterého zdravotnického personálu jsou pacienti devalvováni a jakým způsobem devalvace ovlivnila jejich důvěru ke zdravotnickému personálu.
The output of the bachelor thesis is an article in a specialized periodical dealing with a devaluation of a patient in hospital. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, namely a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the description of interpersonal relationships between patients and healthcare workers and its influence on the patient's health. The practical part is focused on the perception of the given problem by patients in the hospital environment of the aftercare department, surgical and internal departments of the Regional Hospital Liberec, a. s. The patient's personal perception state of perception of the situation/problem is determined by the questionnaire survey. The objectives of the thesis are to determine how much patients are devalued. Goals are also to find out which personal is taking part in their devaluation and how the devaluation has affected their trust in healthcare personnel.
The output of the bachelor thesis is an article in a specialized periodical dealing with a devaluation of a patient in hospital. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, namely a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the description of interpersonal relationships between patients and healthcare workers and its influence on the patient's health. The practical part is focused on the perception of the given problem by patients in the hospital environment of the aftercare department, surgical and internal departments of the Regional Hospital Liberec, a. s. The patient's personal perception state of perception of the situation/problem is determined by the questionnaire survey. The objectives of the thesis are to determine how much patients are devalued. Goals are also to find out which personal is taking part in their devaluation and how the devaluation has affected their trust in healthcare personnel.
Pacient, lidská důstojnost, vztah pacient a zdravotnický pracovník, Patient, human dignity, relationship patient and healthcare worker