Analysis of dispersion curves of Lambs wave
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Článek se zabývá analýzou disperzních křivek Lambových ulrazvukových vln šířících se materiálem ve tvaru tlusté desky. Učelem tohoto výzkumu je stanovit výskyt určité Lambovy vlny při určitých frekvencích ve specifickém vzorku materiálu. Symetrické modyřádů S1, S2, S3 a S4 se projevují při frekvencích 100 kHz, 140 kHz, 260 kHz a 340 kHz. Asymetrické mody řádů A1, A2, A3 and A4 se objevují při frekvencích 70 kHz, 190 kHz, 235 kHz a 330 kHz. Mody S0 a A0 se vyskytují na počátku frekvenčního pásma.
The article deals with an analysis of dispersion curves of Lamb?s ultrasonic wave propagating through the material with the shape of a thick plate. The purpose of this research is to determine the ocurrance of particular Lamb?s wave at certain frequencies in the specific material sample. The symmetrical modes of orders S1, S2, S3 and S4 are demonstrated for frequencies 100 kHz, 140 kHz, 260 kHz and 340 kHz, respectively. Antisymmetrical modes of orders A1, A2, A3 and A4 appear for frequencies 70 kHz, 190 kHz, 235 kHz and 330 kHz, respectively. Modes S0 and A0 occur from the origin of the frequency band
The article deals with an analysis of dispersion curves of Lamb?s ultrasonic wave propagating through the material with the shape of a thick plate. The purpose of this research is to determine the ocurrance of particular Lamb?s wave at certain frequencies in the specific material sample. The symmetrical modes of orders S1, S2, S3 and S4 are demonstrated for frequencies 100 kHz, 140 kHz, 260 kHz and 340 kHz, respectively. Antisymmetrical modes of orders A1, A2, A3 and A4 appear for frequencies 70 kHz, 190 kHz, 235 kHz and 330 kHz, respectively. Modes S0 and A0 occur from the origin of the frequency band
dispersion curves, Lambs wave, frequency