Edukace pacienta s ischemickou chorobou dolních končetin
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Bakalářská práce se zabývá edukací pacienta s ischemickou chorobou dolních končetin. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části, část teoretickou a výzkumnou. Teoretická část práce se zabývá nejprve ischemickou chorobou dolních končetin, její charakteristikou, diagnostikou a léčbou. Největší část teorie je však věnována edukaci v ošetřovatelství, jejímu významu a důležitosti. Ve výzkumné části jsou popsány výsledky dotazníkového šetření mezi pacienty s ischemickou chorobou dolních končetin. Cílem práce bylo zjistit informovanost pacientů o ischemické chorobě dolních končetin, znalost pacientů o sekundární prevenci ischemické choroby a znalost specifik péče o dolní končetiny postižené ischemickou chorobou. Výstupem práce je Edukační standard k edukaci pacienta s ischemickou chorobou dolních končetin.
Bachelor thesis deals with education of patient with a peripheral arterial disease. This thesis is divided into two parts, to the theoretical and to the empirical. The theoretical part deals with a peripheral arterial disease, it is focused on characteristics of disease, diagnostics and therapy. The main part of thesis is created of education in nursing. It is focused on its importance. In the empirical part are described the results of questionnaire. The questionnaire was intended for patients with peripheral arterial disease. The aim of the thesis was to find out, how are patients informed about peripheral arterial disease, about secondary prevention of this disease and about care of legs. The thesis output is Educational standard to education of patient with a peripheral arterial disease.
Bachelor thesis deals with education of patient with a peripheral arterial disease. This thesis is divided into two parts, to the theoretical and to the empirical. The theoretical part deals with a peripheral arterial disease, it is focused on characteristics of disease, diagnostics and therapy. The main part of thesis is created of education in nursing. It is focused on its importance. In the empirical part are described the results of questionnaire. The questionnaire was intended for patients with peripheral arterial disease. The aim of the thesis was to find out, how are patients informed about peripheral arterial disease, about secondary prevention of this disease and about care of legs. The thesis output is Educational standard to education of patient with a peripheral arterial disease.
ischemická choroba dolních končetin, klaudikace, edukace, sekundární prevence, ošetřovatelství, všeobecná sestra, peripheral arterial disease, claudication, education, secondary prevention, nursing, general nurse