Carbon Nanoparticle-Based Electro-Thermal Building Block

All around the world, researchers have raised concerns about the superlative geometrical, electronic, thermal, chemical and mechanical properties of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs). CNPs with low cost, high performance and prominent intrinsic properties have attracted extensive interest for numerous applications in various fields. Although CNPs have been studied mainly as transistors and sensors, they could also be considered as heat producers. However, this option has scarcely been studied. In this research, a CNP-based electro-thermal building block is synthesized by the arc discharge method in a carbonic medium (high-density polyethylene), and its behavior is investigated. It is shaped in the form of a metal–semiconductor–metal structure (MSM) between metallic electrodes, and in addition, the formation of two back-to-back Schottky diodes is analyzed and their use as CNP-based electro-thermal building blocks are reported.
carbon nanotubes, electro-thermal heating element, arc discharge, heat production, temperature-dependent electrical resistance