Browsing by Author "Dušák, Karel"
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- ItemFaktory ovlivňující kvalitu funkce stěrače předního skla automobilu Škoda Octavia(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Hamsa, Miroslav; Dušák, KarelThis work deals with the possible influences and factors affecting resulting quality of windscreen wiping system of Skoda Octavia cars. It describes several analyses, which have been carried out (validation of construction solution, tolerance analysis, verification of assembly processes, dimension and quality verification and other partial analyses). The objective of this work is to lay down concrete recommendations based on observed results, point out problem areas and thus minimize windscreen wipers function claims. The results may also be used and applied in the following projects.
- ItemInovace výrobní linky přední podlahy automobilu (dodavatel EDAG CZ Mladá Boleslav)(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Koldová, Jana; Dušák, KarelDissertation describes manufacturing procedure of car Front Floor in an automated line. It is dealing with increase of manufacture volume to the required amount while keeping maximum of the original line. It is also required to keep original size of the production line area.
- ItemInovace výrobního systému výroby hnacího hřídele převodovky MQ - 200 před tepelným zpracováním ve firmě Škoda - Auto a.s. Mladá Boleslav(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2009-01-01) Špína, Martin; Dušák, KarelBachelor essay is concerned with an innovation of one part of production system of primary shaft for gearbox MQ 200. Aim of this innovation is to gross productivity up, shortening manipulation times and operators restriction in the production. Outcome of this essay is proposal how to newly order machines which make automate relevant part of production system possible
- ItemKonstrukce a výrobní postup bezrámového zasklívacího systému ve firmě ROVEX Engineering Slatiňany(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2009-01-01) Hodic, Jan; Dušák, KarelAt the beginning, this thesis describes the current situation on the market with glazing systems and their classification. In this part the main advantages and disadvantages of glazing systems are mentioned. In the following part is pointed out the need of development of new sliding glazing system without frame. The main part of this work describes the manufacturing process of new sliding glazing system without frame. Finally, the benefits of the new sliding glazing system without frame are summarized and evaluated.
- ItemLogistika nakupovaného materiálu ve firmě Jaroslav Cankař a syn Atmos v Bělé pod Bezdězem(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2009-01-01) Paulus, Luboš; Dušák, KarelThe work deal with logistics of bought material in company ATMOS. First section describes current situation in the company. A definition of firm activities as is planning, purchasing, supply, stocking, materials handling, protecting of material and packaging follows. Next part of the task aims to classification of suppliers according to selected criteria. That means especially quality of deliveries, meeting of contract conditions as well as economic acceptability and personal experiences. The suppliers are appreciated on the basis of questionaire. After evaluation of that mentioned criteria are analysed and proposed consequent measures leading to the innovation of current situation in the company.
- ItemLogistika velkých součástí strojů ve firmě TOS Varnsdorf a.s.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2009-01-01) Ledvina, Miloslav; Dušák, KarelThe work covers information about firm TOS VARNSDORF a.s., which produces the tools machine with specialization on the horizontal milled and boring machinery and horizontal boring centre. About the logistic and handling from the store space, production premises to assembly and expedition.
- ItemLokalizace měření ozubených kol převodovky MQ - 200 ve firmě Škoda Auto Mladá Boleslav(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2009-01-01) Bímová, Eliška; Dušák, KarelThe bachelor work summarises information about gearbox parts, cog wheels and shafts. It implies their manufacturing and maesurement. It deals with position of maesuring centres in hall M2 in factory Škoda Auto Inc.. It contains suggestions for optimalization of position for these measuring centres.
- ItemMetodika hodnocení technologičnosti konstrukce montážních jednotek(1994-01-01) Dušák, Karel
- ItemMontážní autooperátory(2012-01-01) Dušák, Karel
- ItemNávrh montáže nového typu klimatizační jednotky ve firmě DENSO MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. Liberec(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2009-01-01) Nekola, Jan; Dušák, KarelThe objective of this work is to bring readers the issue of designing an assembly line in the automotive industry, and an assembly of the produkt itself. To give the reader more specific details about the preparation of a new assembly and to highlight the major problems associated with the preparation.
- ItemNávrh nového uspořádání montáže elektrického hoblíku EHL 65E ve firmě Narex, a. s. Česká Lípa.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2007-01-01) Zejbrdlík, Miroslav; Dušák, KarelAim of this work was suggestion and optimalization of a new form of assembly workplace for EHL 65E-electrical plane. Main demands were quality reservation, one piece movement, supply optimalization and to increase production of work.
- ItemNávrh přípravku pro zkoušení šroubových spojů krční páteře(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2012-01-01) Procházka, Martin; Dušák, KarelThe Bachelor thesis is trying to propose an alternative preparation for attaching the second cervical vertebrae during testing of mechanical connection in the tensile machine. Nowadays the embedding to dentakryl is used for attachment of cervical vertebrae. It is very disadvantageous in terms of time. So that I was trying to construct a new product that would provide a reduction of time to mount the second cervical vertebra and economic savings during production of.
- ItemNávrh řešení montáže tiskových jednotek řady PERFORMA 74 ve firmě KBA-Grafitec Dobruška(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2007-01-01) Mrázek, Kamil; Dušák, KarelSuggestion of printing machines production in copany KBA-Grafitec. Performa 74 printing machina basic description. Current mounting Metod and technical equipment of assembly hall. Suggestion of alternative mounting, work organization and technical equipment solutions. Determation of production capacity. Hall equipment acquisition costs.
- ItemNávrh výroby stojanu vodorovného frézovacího a vyvrtávacího stroje WHN 13 CNC ve firmě TOS Varnsdorf, a.s.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2013-01-01) Macner, Petr; Dušák, KarelTato práce pojednává o návrhu nové technologie pro ustavení stojanu vodorovného frézovacího a vyvrtávacího stroje WHN 13 CNC z produkce firmy TOS Varnsdorf, a.s. Zahrnuje návrh výrobní a konstrukční dokumentace, výběr nejvhodnějšího produktu a přípravků. V závěru práce je srovnání časové a ekonomické úspory původní a navržené varianty.
- ItemOptimalizace dispozice výrobních linek s ohledem na jejich logistické zajištění ve firmě CEDIMA Meziměstí s.r.o.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2010-01-01) Kozák, Petr; Dušák, KarelIn my thesis I have been dealing with topic of optimalization of product lines, storage facilities and monitoring of material flow and theoretical experience in the company CEDIMA Mezimesti s.r.o. I will give the main importance to the resolution of assembly lines devoted on the first floor together with the intermediate storage warehouse, which will be entered into the layouts of the production facilities. Designing several layouts and subsequent discussions about their issues with management will be one final layout, which will be used to optimize production. On material flows should be reflected optimization mainly in the shortening and simplifying of material handling.
- ItemOptimalizace měření na pracovištích technické kontroly pro výrobu převodovky MQ200(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Houser, Jan; Dušák, KarelThis thesis deals with the measurements, which are carried out by technical inspection at the VA plant in Skoda Auto, namely its part of the MQ200 gearbox production. It describes the current status and future trends in the company, analyzing in detail the activities of technical inspection of transmission gearing and the flow of measured parts in measuring center. It analyzes possible design for balancing the workload time of measuring center and finally describes the feasibility of the most suitable proposal.
- ItemOptimalizace výrobního procesu v kovací buňce kovárny ŠKODA - AUTO, a.s. Mladá Boleslav(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Dubický, Petr; Dušák, KarelThis thesis deals with the possibilities of optimizing the forging cells in Skoda Auto. There is described a mechanism in the wastage of the company and its impacts on productivity - the effects of waste, waste elimination. Furthermore, the decay time is done here, to define methods for measuring time. The paper describes the changes leading to increased productivity in the forging cell.
- ItemPostup generální opravy a modernizace souřadnicové vyvrtávačky WKV 100 ve firmě Kinc, spol. s r. o.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2011-01-01) Hotový, Martin; Dušák, KarelThis Bachelor Dissertation aims to work out a complex general repair procedure and modernization of the jig borer WKV 100 especially in terms of the technological solution concerning the requirements for which the machine is modernized. It shows ways how to use knowledge in this machinery branch and it also proves that choosing the proper procedure of modernization and the proper degree of general repair it is always possible to reach the required technical state of the machine both in terms of technology and capacity. Technical and economical aspect of the repair and modernization is taken into consideration too.
- ItemPřiváděcí soustava automatizovaných montážních systémů(2015-01-01) Dušák, Karel
- ItemProjekt optimálního řešení pracoviště pro nanášení separátoru na díly automo-bilů Audi A6 a Q7 ve firmě Faurecia Interiér Systeme Bohemia, s. r. o.(Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2007-01-01) Novák, Ondřej; Dušák, KarelThe work describes current status of the release agent application workstation, processes previous and following (injection, foaming). Analyses standard operation procedures and optimizes time efficiency according to analysed information and suggests new layout together with new technology of the release agent application.
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