Aktuální problematika důchodového pojištění v České republice

Title Alternative:Actual problems of pension insurance in Czech Republic
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Hlavní cíl diplomové práce je popsat současný důchodový systém v České republice a podat ucelený pohled o jeho probíhající reformě včetně analýzy jednotlivých částí tohoto systému.
The main goal of my graduation theses is to describe current Czech pension system in Czech Republic and to analyze its running reform. In the first part of my graduation theses is described current Czech pension system with emphasis on pension age, pension calculation and some rations of pension insurance. The second part is indicative of adverse evolution causes of pension insurance, especially of adverse demographics indicators and of expenses - incomes imbalance of pension system. The third part shows the problems of individual pension insurance, above all there are mentioned some products, like life insurance, retirement income benefits, building saving and shares funds. The last part is focusing on the analysis of the possible variants of the pension reform offered by the political parties acting in the House of Parliament, and on the activity of the working group, which fact - finded to the decision on the pension reform. Finally author introduces his own concept of pension reform.