Ukrajinská krize a její ekonomické dopady na české firmy
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Cílem této práce je identifikovat ekonomické dopady válečného konfliktu na Ukrajině na ekonomiku České republiky. V této práci je uveden historický kontext tohoto konfliktu, včetně událostí, které k aktuálnímu konfliktu vedly. Jsou identifikovány přímé a nepřímé vlivy na jednotlivé ekonomiky i to, jak se jednotlivé státy, včetně České republiky, která v organizaci zaujala vedoucí pozici, vložily do pomoci napadenému státu. Dále je v této práci uvedena historie migrace ukrajinských občanů do České republiky i specifika, která přímo souvisí s aktuálně probíhajícím konfliktem, jako dodatečné náklady související s pobytem uprchlíků. Jsou identifikovány hrozby budoucího fungování integrace. Dále jsou zjišťovány zkušenosti a názory obyvatel Ukrajiny přebývajících v Libereckém kraji. Nakonec jsou identifikovány dopady válečného konfliktu na české firmy a zkušenosti českých firem se zaměstnáváním uprchlíků. Tyto znalosti jsou následně aplikovány na ověření stavu mezi firmami v Libereckém kraji.
The aim of this thesis is to identify the economic impact of the war conflict in Ukraine on the economy of the Czech Republic. The historical context of this conflict, including the events that led to the current conflict, is presented. The direct and indirect effects on individual economies are identified, as well as how individual countries, including the Czech Republic, which took a leading position in the organization, contributed to assisting the invaded state. In addition, the history of migration of Ukrainian citizens to the Czech Republic is presented, as well as specifics that are directly related to the current conflict, such as the additional costs associated with the refugees' stay. Threats to the future functioning of integration are identified. Furthermore, the experiences and opinions of the Ukrainian population residing in the Liberec Region are surveyed. Finally, the effects of the war conflict on Czech companies and the experience of Czech companies in employing refugees are identified. This knowledge is then applied to verify the situation among firms in the Liberec Region.
The aim of this thesis is to identify the economic impact of the war conflict in Ukraine on the economy of the Czech Republic. The historical context of this conflict, including the events that led to the current conflict, is presented. The direct and indirect effects on individual economies are identified, as well as how individual countries, including the Czech Republic, which took a leading position in the organization, contributed to assisting the invaded state. In addition, the history of migration of Ukrainian citizens to the Czech Republic is presented, as well as specifics that are directly related to the current conflict, such as the additional costs associated with the refugees' stay. Threats to the future functioning of integration are identified. Furthermore, the experiences and opinions of the Ukrainian population residing in the Liberec Region are surveyed. Finally, the effects of the war conflict on Czech companies and the experience of Czech companies in employing refugees are identified. This knowledge is then applied to verify the situation among firms in the Liberec Region.
Ukrajina, válečný konflikt, dopady konfliktu na ČR, zaměstnávání občanů Ukrajiny, dopady válečného konfliktu na firmy.